Hesed (Loving kindness)
Our mission is to enhance and nurture the spirit of community within our growing congregation by addressing the emotional and/or special needs of all our congregants throughout their individual life cycle events. Every member is a Hesed Haver and may be called upon to help celebrate, support and/or comfort others in need within our congregation.
Programs & Community Links
The Shiva Minyan: How to Attend, How to Lead… NOVEMBER 17th in the evening.Take the mystery out of what it means to attend shiva. Learn how you can be a compassionate visitor and neighbor in your community.
Support Network
Our Congregation is creating informal networks for people to lend support, an ear or meet up for a coffee, starting with the topics of bereavement, cancer and raising kids with special needs.
Business Boosters
If you need some work done, look no further than your Community. Click on the Business Booster Directory to find a list with members who may just have that skill or product you need. Need a Ride to Services? Email us. Also check out On the Go , the JFS senior transportation program.
Help us grow our community of loving kindness. Hesed Haverim help congregants by visiting those who are ill or homebound, making Shiva calls, attending a Minyan, sending a card, preparing a meal and so much more. Whatever your talents, we always need more help. For more info contact Sam, Hesed Chair at (555) 555.1234.
Our vision is to inspire and engage all Congregation households to participate in mitzvot of mutual support and loving kindness for the benefit of the entire congregation.
If you or someone you know is ill, recovering from surgery, or homebound and would like a visitor, please let us know so we can help by contacting us.If you are involved with Bikkur Holim – visiting the sick – click on some of our suggestions to help make it a good visit: Bikkur Holim Hesed Guidelines What Do I Say?